If you’re a pet owner, you know that your furry friend can sometimes get lumps and bumps. While many of these are benign, it’s important to be aware of when they may be cause for concern. In this blog post, we’ll discuss when you should seek veterinary care for your pet’s lumps and bumps. We’ll also provide some tips on how to keep your pet healthy and lump-free. So, read on for more information!

The lump is growing rapidly

Typically, benign masses grow relatively slowly compared to malignant lumps and bumps. If a lump seems to appear overnight and then explodes in size quickly, it may be cancerous and should be checked for signs of malignancy. Also, some masses may develop, stay stable for a while, and then start growing. If a previously examined lump on your pet suddenly increases in size, have it re-examined.

The lump causes your pet pain

Benign lumps, like lipomas and adenomas, generally do not cause discomfort unless they are in a spot that limits mobility. Problematic bumps, whether they are cancerous or not, are more likely to cause pain. An abscess is an example of a non-cancerous lump that requires veterinary attention. This pus-filled pocket must be drained, flushed, and treated to heal the infection. Some cancerous masses, like bony tumors, can be particularly painful for pets, causing lameness and discomfort when touched.

The lump is oozing or bleeding

Despite antimicrobial treatment, some cancer tumors can appear as non-healing sores or masses that ooze or bleed. Mast cell tumors, in particular, are a type of skin cancer that often bleeds if the lump becomes irritated.

The lump changes color

Occasionally, a cancerous lump can appear under your pet’s skin, then change color and take on a bruised appearance over time. If your pet’s lump was originally the same color as their skin and then changed to a color indicating bruising, inflammation, or tissue necrosis, it may mean the mass is cancerous.

If you notice an unusual lump or bump on your pet, or a sudden change occurs, contact our team for an appointment.